Terms and Condition

Ochenakotha Terms of Service 

Last altered: February 1, 2018 

Welcome to Priyo! 

A debt of gratitude is in order for utilizing our items and administrations. The Services are given by Priyo Inc. ("Priyo"), situated at 605 Tumbleweed Common, Fremont, CA 94539, United States. 

By utilizing our Services, you are consenting to these terms. 

Utilizing our Services 

You should take after any arrangements made accessible to you inside the Services. 

Try not to abuse our Services. For instance, don't meddle with our Services or endeavor to get to them utilizing a strategy other than the interface and the directions that we give. You may utilize our Services just as allowed by law, including relevant fare and re-trade control laws and directions. We may suspend or quit giving our Services to you in the event that you don't follow our terms or approaches or on the off chance that we are examining suspected unfortunate behavior. 

Utilizing our Services does not give you responsibility for protected innovation rights in our Services or the substance you get to. You may not utilize content from our Services except if you acquire authorization from its proprietor or are generally allowed by law. These terms don't concede you the privilege to utilize any marking or logos utilized as a part of our Services. Try not to evacuate, darken, or adjust any lawful notification showed in or alongside our Services. 

Our Services show some substance that isn't Priyo's. This substance is the sole duty of the element that makes it accessible. We may audit substance to decide if it is unlawful or abuses our strategies, and we may expel or decline to show content that we sensibly accept disregards our arrangements or the law. In any case, that does not really imply that we audit content, so kindly don't expect that we do. 

Regarding your utilization of the Services, we may send you benefit declarations, authoritative messages, and other data. You may quit a portion of those correspondences. 

A portion of our Services are accessible on cell phones. Try not to utilize such Services in a way that occupies you and keeps you from obeying movement or security laws. 

Your Priyo Account 

You may require a Priyo Account keeping in mind the end goal to utilize a portion of our Services. You may make your own Priyo Account, or your Priyo Account might be doled out to you by a manager. In the event that you are utilizing a Priyo Account doled out to you by a manager, extraordinary or extra terms may apply and your chairman might have the capacity to get to or cripple your record. 

To ensure your Priyo Account, keep your secret word classified. You are in charge of the action that occurs on or through your Priyo Account. 

Security and Copyright Protection 

Priyo's security approaches clarify how we treat your own information and ensure your protection when you utilize our Services. By utilizing our Services, you concur that Priyo can utilize such information as per our security strategies. 

We react to notification of asserted copyright encroachment and end records of rehash infringers as per the procedure set out in the U.S. Advanced Millennium Copyright Act. 

We give data to help copyright holders deal with their licensed innovation on the web. In the event that you think some person is disregarding your copyrights and need to tell us, you can discover data about submitting . 

About Software in our Services 

At the point when a Service requires or incorporates downloadable programming, this product may refresh consequently on your gadget once another rendition or highlight is accessible. A few Services may give you a chance to change your programmed refresh settings. 

Open source programming is critical to us. Some product utilized as a part of our Services might be offered under an open source permit that we will make accessible to you. There might be arrangements in the open source permit that explicitly supersede a portion of these terms. 

Altering and Terminating our Services 

We are continually changing and enhancing our Services. We may include or expel functionalities or highlights, and we may suspend or stop a Service out and out. 

You can quit utilizing our Services whenever, despite the fact that we'll be sorry to learn you go. Priyo may likewise quit giving Services to you, or add or make new breaking points to our Services whenever. 

We trust that you claim your information and protecting your entrance to such information is critical. On the off chance that we suspend a Service, where sensibly conceivable, we will give you sensible progress ahead of time and an opportunity to get data out of that Service. 

Our Warranties and Disclaimers 

We give our Services utilizing a financially sensible level of expertise and care and we trust that you will appreciate utilizing them. In any case, there are sure things that we don't guarantee about our Services. 

Other than as explicitly set out in these terms or extra terms, neither Priyo nor its providers or wholesalers make a particular guarantees about the Services. For instance, we don't make any duties about the substance inside the Services, the particular elements of the Services, or their unwavering quality, accessibility, or capacity to address your issues. We give the Services "as seems to be". 

A few purviews accommodate certain guarantees, similar to the inferred guarantee of merchantability, wellness for a specific reason and non-encroachment. To the degree allowed by law, we bar all guarantees. 

Obligation for our Services 

At the point when allowed by law, Priyo, and Priyo's providers and merchants, won't be in charge of lost benefits, incomes, or information, monetary misfortunes or aberrant, exceptional, noteworthy, model, or reformatory harms. 

To the degree allowed by law, the aggregate risk of Priyo, and its providers and merchants, for any cases under these terms, including for any suggested guarantees, is constrained to the sum you paid us to utilize the Services (or, in the event that we pick, to providing you the Services once more). 

In all cases, Priyo, and its providers and merchants, won't be at risk for any misfortune or harm that isn't sensibly predictable. 

We perceive that in a few nations, you may have lawful rights as a customer. On the off chance that you are utilizing the Services for an individual reason, at that point nothing in these terms or any extra terms constrains any shopper legitimate rights which may not be deferred by contract. 

Business employments of our Services 

On the off chance that you are utilizing our Services for the benefit of a business, that business acknowledges these terms. It will hold safe and reimburse Priyo and its associates, officers, operators, and workers from any case, suit or activity emerging from or identified with the utilization of the Services or infringement of these terms, including any obligation or cost emerging from claims, misfortunes, harms, suits, judgments, case expenses and lawyers' charges. 

Connections To Other Web Sites 

Our Service may contain connections to outsider sites or administrations that are not possessed or controlled by Priyo. Priyo has no power over, and accepts no accountability for, the substance, protection strategies, or practices of any outsider sites or administrations. You additionally recognize and concur that Priyo will not be mindful or subject, specifically or by implication, for any harm or misfortune caused or charged to be caused by or regarding utilization of or dependence on any such substance, merchandise or administrations accessible on or through any such sites or administrations. We firmly encourage you to peruse the terms and conditions and protection approaches of any outsider sites or administrations that you visit. 


We may end or suspend access to our Service instantly, without earlier notice or risk, for any reason at all, including without confinement on the off chance that you rupture the Terms. All arrangements of the Terms which by their tendency ought to survive end will survive end, including, without constraint, possession arrangements, guarantee disclaimers, repayment and impediments of obligation. 

Representing Law 

These Terms will be represented and interpreted as per the laws of the United States of America, without respect to its contention of law arrangements. Our inability to uphold any privilege or arrangement of these Terms won't be viewed as a waiver of those rights. On the off chance that any arrangement of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the rest of the arrangements of these Terms will stay as a result. These Terms constitute the whole understanding between us with respect to our Service, and supersede and supplant any earlier assentions we may have between us in regards to the Service. 


We hold the right, at our sole watchfulness, to alter or supplant these Terms whenever. In the event that a modification is material we will attempt to give no less than 30 days see preceding any new terms producing results. What constitutes a material change will be resolved at our sole attentiveness. By proceeding to access or utilize our Service after those modifications wind up viable, you consent to be bound by the reexamined terms. In the event that you don't consent to the new terms, it would be ideal if you quit utilizing the Service. 

About these Terms 

We may adjust these terms or any extra terms that apply to a Service to, for instance, reflect changes to the law or changes to our Services. You should take a gander at the terms routinely. We'll present notice of alterations on these terms on this page. We'll post notice of changed extra terms in the relevant Service. Changes won't have any significant bearing retroactively and will wind up powerful no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. Be that as it may, changes tending to new capacities for a Service or changes made for legitimate reasons will be taking effect right now. In the event that you don't consent to the altered terms for a Service, you should end your utilization of that Service. 

On the off chance that there is a contention between these terms and the extra terms, the extra terms will control for that contention. 

These terms control the connection amongst Priyo and you. They don't make any outsider recipient rights. 

On the off chance that you don't conform to these terms, and we don't make a move immediately, this doesn't imply that we are surrendering any rights that we may have, (for example, making a move later on). 

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Terms and Condition Terms and Condition Reviewed by Ruhul on June 26, 2018 Rating: 5
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